Stephanye T. Loftin
English Educator

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Policies and Guidelines

Grammar and Associated Writing Skills

Skills will include a review of the parts of speech, subject-verb agreement, pronoun-antecedent agreement, fragments and run-on statements, sentence structure, thesis statements, outlining, parallelism, scholarly quoting and documentation using MLA format, and other information needed for the ever-changing demands and opportunities of the twenty-first century.

Writing Guidelines

All work submitted for a grade must be neatly written in black ink or blue ink only or word processed in black ink only as specified.  Final drafting and publishing of essays or research papers must be double-spaced and word processed using 12 point Times New Roman, Ariel, Cambria, or Calibri.

Late Work Policy


If an assignment is due on a day of an absence from school, submit the assignment early or no later than the ringing of the late bell for the class period.  Email is an option.


If an emergency arises, email me no later than 15 minutes before the beginning of your class. 


For work assigned during an absence, you will have 2 class days for each missed day of excused absence to complete the work. 


Late work is not accepted.


Computers will be utilized in the final publishing of all essays and research papers and projects and in the final drafting of all major essays.  Reference and Internet use must be documented in MLA-formatted parenthetical citations and Works Cited/annotated bibliographies.  The capability to quickly change, shift, correct, and produce a final product by using the computer are essential.

Homework Policy

Homework is an integral part of the student’s grade and is essential to developing skills to pass quizzes; to pass tests; to compose paragraphs, essays, research papers, etc.; and to complete independent projects.  Assignments must be submitted on time on the due date. Submit all homework at the beginning of class by the ringing of the late bell.

ID Policy

You must properly display your ID each day as indicated by the rules of the Charles Herbert Flowers High School (CHFHS) and the Prince George's County Public Schools (PGCPS).

Uniform Policy

Report to class each day properly attired and in full compliance with the mandatory school uniform policy of the Charles Herbert Flowers High School and Prince George’s County Public Schools.

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